Thursday, July 27, 2006

And now...Carmela!

Dear furry friends,

I'm Carmela and I'm happy to be here. Catmomma calls me Moe's Beau! You can find us snuggling together somewhere in the house. Our personal favorite is the laundry basket. It smells so good!

This morning, I was on bug patrol. I saw a big yummy bug with lots of legs on the wall. I sat on the bed and meowed to let my people know that I wanted to get at it. Momma took a stick and knocked it down, but it got lost. Maybe it'll turn up later.

Here's a picture of me (the light brown) and my sister (the sable brown.) Usually, there there are three of us in the bed, but Moe was off napping on his favorite pillow.

Well, that's all for now!


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