Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Howdy!

Hi everyfurry one in the Cat Blogosphere!

My name is Cosmo and I am happy to meet you! I came to live with Chicats two weeks ago. Momma says that there was something missing, so she went on Petfinder to find a new roommate. Lucky for me, she went through all the paperwork with references to have me come to my forever home! I am over a year old and am what momma calls "enthusiastic"! I am jet black with yellow eyes. I hoover all the food and toss mousies and jingle balls around the house. The other cats are cool about me. They hissed and swatted, but now we have an understanding. Momma is waiting for one of them to start cleaning my ears. Then she knows that they have accepted me fully.

Have a super day!
